
  • Rimage Introduces Discflow For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 16:07

    Rimage Corporation, a company providing digital publishing solutions based in Eden Prairie, Minnesota has recently announced the launch of a much needed technology called Blu Lock, an anti-rip copy protection technology for. In fact, the company claims that this is the first copy protection technology in the industry and that it integrates directly into the popular Rimage Blu Ray Disc Publishing solutions. The company claims that the corporations deliberately risk the piracy of their digital content by distributing them in Blu Ray discs without equipping them with effective copy protection technologies. The Blu Lock feature will be built into the Rimage Software System (RSS) which would make it attractive among the production houses. An from the company claims that Blu Lock technology “preserves the user experience and the playback compatibility, leaving the original media content unmodified, while providing robust protection and upgradability”.


    What is the difference between installing a Rimage printer driver on a Mac OS X system and installing Discflow on that same system? Everest II Printer Driver Everest - Firmware Requirement for Everest II Printers on AutoPrinters.

    • Rimage discflow software for mac users. Rimage introduced the perfect image diskette publishing system in the 1980 s, which was the most powerful software.
    • Rimage DiscFlow has been designed specifi cally for Mac-based media production environments and embraces the Mac’s visual environment, making it instantly familiar and comfortable. In no time content creation professionals can burn and print DVDs, CDs and Blu-ray Discs. Perhaps best of all, DiscFlow mimics the OS X inventive Cover Flow.

    Rimage Introduces Discflo For Mac Pro


    Hollywood adopted Blu Ray technology over Toshiba’s HD-DVD technology in the mid 2000s after a bitter war over format dominance. AACS LA introduced AACS, the first DRM system for Blu Ray which was accepted by manufacturers like Toshiba, Pioneer and Samsung. The current system uses a series of keys that can be changed by the manufacturers and content providers, making it difficult for Blu-ray piracy. Rimage recently showcased the Blu Lock along with various other suites for digital publishing in the National Association of Broadcasters show last month.

    1 Rimage Advanced Setup (Networking) Guide This document provides the general information needed to configure the Rimage Control Center (the PC that is physically connected to the Rimage autoloader) and client applications to process orders on an existing network. The most common networking scenarios are described in this guide. 2 Corporate Headquarters: Rimage Corporation 7725 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN USA (toll free US) Service: (Asia/Pacific, Mexico/Latin America) Fax: European Headquarters: Rimage Europe GmbH Albert-Einstein-Str Dietzenbach Germany Tel: +49-(0) Fax: +49-(0) Rimage Corporation reserves the right to make improvements to the equipment and software described in this document at any time without any prior notice. Rimage Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Rimage Corporation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.

    This document may contain links to web sites that were current at the time of publication, but may have moved or become inactive since. This document may contain links to sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties. Rimage Corporation is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. 2009, Rimage Corporation Rimage is a registered trademark of the Rimage Corporation. Producer Software Suite is a trademark of the Rimage Corporation. Dell is registered trademark of Dell Computer Corporation.

    FireWire is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners M M 3 Contents Introduction. 1 About this User Guide.

    1 Important Information. 2 Support Information. 2 Learn More Online.


    Rimage Introduces Discflo For Mac 2017

    3 Technical Support and Product Updates. 3 Optical Disc Recording Software Disclaimer. 4 Get Started Prerequisites.

    6 Set Up and Connect the Rimage Autoloader and Printer to the Rimage Control Center. 6 Activate your Software (Rimage Software versions 8.1 and lower). 6 Meet All the Basic Requirements. 6 Operating System. 6 Rimage System Folder. 6 Firewall Configuration Install Additional Systems on an Existing Network. 7 Use Remote Desktop Connection to Administer an Embedded System.

    Rimage Introduces Disc Flow For Mac

    7 Change the Computer Name Set up a Domain or Peer-to-Peer User Account. 9 Set up a Domain User Account. 9 Before you Begin. 9 Set up the Rimage Control Center.

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