
  • Realbasic Serial Communication Python
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 11. 16:56

    Native ports class serial. Serial init ( port=None, baudrate=9600, bytesize=EIGHTBITS, parity=PARITYNONE, stopbits=STOPBITSONE, timeout=None, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, writetimeout=None, dsrdtr=False, interbytetimeout=None ) Parameters:. port – Device name or None. baudrate – Baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc. bytesize – Number of data bits. Possible values:,. parity – Enable parity checking.

    Possible values:,. stopbits – Number of stop bits. Possible values:,.

    timeout – Set a read timeout value. xonxoff – Enable software flow control. rtscts – Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. dsrdtr – Enable hardware (DSR/DTR) flow control. writetimeout – Set a write timeout value. interbytetimeout – Inter-character timeout, None to disable (default).Raises:. ValueError – Will be raised when parameter are out of range, e.g.

    Baud rate, data bits. SerialException – In case the device can not be found or can not be configured.The port is immediately opened on object creation, when a port isgiven. It is not opened when port is None and a successive callto is required.port is a device name: depending on operating system. E.g./dev/ttyUSB0 on GNU/Linux or COM3 on Windows.The parameter baudrate can be one of the standard values:50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.These are well supported on all platforms.Standard values above 115200, such as: 230400, 460800, 500000, 500, 1000000, 1152000, 1500000, 2000000, 2500000, 3000000, 35000 also work on many platforms and devices.Non-standard values are also supported on some platforms (GNU/Linux, MACOSX = Tiger, Windows). Changed in version 3.0: numbers as port argument are no longer supported open ( )Open port.

    Close ( )Close port immediately. del ( )Destructor, close port when serial port instance is freed.The following methods may raise when applied to a closedport.

    Read ( size=1 ) Parameters:size – Number of bytes to read.Returns:Bytes read from the port.Return type:bytesRead size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it mayreturn less characters as requested. With no timeout it will blockuntil the requested number of bytes is read. Changed in version 3.0: renamed from flushOutput sendbreak ( duration=0.25 ) Parameters:duration – Time to activate the BREAK condition.Send break condition.

    Timed, returns to idle state after givenduration. Breakcondition Getter:Get the current BREAK stateSetter:Control the BREAK stateType:boolWhen set to True activate BREAK condition, else disable.Controls TXD. When active, no transmitting is possible. Rts Setter:Set the state of the RTS lineGetter:Return the state of the RTS lineType:boolSet RTS line to specified logic level. It is possible to assign thisvalue before opening the serial port, then the value is applied uppon. Dtr Setter:Set the state of the DTR lineGetter:Return the state of the DTR lineType:boolSet DTR line to specified logic level. It is possible to assign thisvalue before opening the serial port, then the value is applied uppon.Read-only attributes: name Getter:Device name.Type:str.

    New in version 2.5. Cts Getter:Get the state of the CTS lineType:boolReturn the state of the CTS line. Dsr Getter:Get the state of the DSR lineType:boolReturn the state of the DSR line. Ri Getter:Get the state of the RI lineType:boolReturn the state of the RI line.

    Cd Getter:Get the state of the CD lineType:boolReturn the state of the CD lineNew values can be assigned to the following attributes (properties), theport will be reconfigured, even if it’s opened at that time: port Type:strRead or write port. When the port is already open, it will be closedand reopened with the new setting. Baudrate Getter:Get current baud rateSetter:Set new baud rateType:intRead or write current baud rate setting. Bytesize Getter:Get current byte sizeSetter:Set new byte size. Possible values:,Type:intRead or write current data byte size setting.

    Parity Getter:Get current parity settingSetter:Set new parity mode. Possible values:,Read or write current parity setting. Stopbits Getter:Get current stop bit settingSetter:Set new stop bit setting.

    Possible values:,Read or write current stop bit width setting. Timeout Getter:Get current read timeout settingSetter:Set read timeoutType:float (seconds)Read or write current read timeout setting. Writetimeout Getter:Get current write timeout settingSetter:Set write timeoutType:float (seconds)Read or write current write timeout setting. Changed in version 3.0: renamed from interCharTimeout xonxoff Getter:Get current software flow control settingSetter:Enable or disable software flow controlType:boolRead or write current software flow control rate setting. Rtscts Getter:Get current hardware flow control settingSetter:Enable or disable hardware flow controlType:boolRead or write current hardware flow control setting.

    Dsrdtr Getter:Get current hardware flow control settingSetter:Enable or disable hardware flow controlType:boolRead or write current hardware flow control setting. Rs485mode Getter:Get the current RS485 settingsSetter:Disable ( None) or enable the RS485 settingsType:or NonePlatform:Posix (Linux, limited set of hardware)Platform:Windows (only RTS on TX possible)Attribute to configure RS485 support. When set to an instance ofand supported by OS, RTS will be activewhen data is sent and inactive otherwise (for reception).

    Theclass provides additional settingssupported on some platforms. New in version 3.0.The following constants are also provided: BAUDRATESA list of valid baud rates.

    The list may be incomplete, such that higherand/or intermediate baud rates may also be supported by the device(Read Only). BYTESIZESA list of valid byte sizes for the device (Read Only). PARITIESA list of valid parities for the device (Read Only). STOPBITSA list of valid stop bit widths for the device (Read Only).The following methods are for compatibility with the library.

    Readable ( ) Returns:True. New in version 2.5.The port settings can be read and written as dictionary. The followingkeys are supported: writetimeout, interbytetimeout,dsrdtr, baudrate, timeout, parity, bytesize,rtscts, stopbits, xonxoff getsettings ( ) Returns:a dictionary with current port settings.Return type:dictGet a dictionary with port settings. This is useful to backup thecurrent settings so that a later point in time they can be restoredusing.Note that control lines (RTS/DTR) are part of the settings. WarningPrograms using the following methods and attributes are notportable to other platforms!

    Nonblocking ( ) Platform:PosixConfigure the device for nonblocking operation. This can be useful ifthe port is used with. Note that mustalso be set to 0 fileno ( ) Platform:PosixReturns:File descriptor.Return file descriptor number for the port that is opened by this object.It is useful when serial ports are used with. Setinputflowcontrol ( enable ) Platform:PosixParameters:enable – Set flow control state.Manually control flow - when software flow control is enabled.This will send XON (true) and XOFF (false) to the other device. New in version 3.0. init(rtslevelfortx=True, rtslevelforrx=False, loopback=False, delaybeforetx=None, delaybeforerx=None): Parameters:.

    rtslevelfortx – RTS level for transmission. rtslevelforrx – RTS level for reception.

    loopback – When set to True transmitted data is also received. delaybeforetx – Delay after setting RTS but before transmission starts. delaybeforerx – Delay after transmission ends and resetting RTSrtslevelfortxRTS level for transmission. RtslevelforrxRTS level for reception.

    LoopbackWhen set to True transmitted data is also received. DelaybeforetxDelay after setting RTS but before transmission starts (seconds as float). DelaybeforerxDelay after transmission ends and resetting RTS (seconds as float).

    Serial Port And Parallel Port

    RS485A subclass that replaces the method with one that toggles RTSaccording to the RS485 settings.Usage. WarningThis implementation is currently in an experimental state. Useat your own risk. Class rfc2217. SerialThis implements a compatible client.

    Port names are in the form: rfc2217://:?&This class API is compatible to with a few exceptions:. writetimeout is not implemented. The current implementation starts a thread that keeps reading from the(internal) socket. The thread is managed automatically by theport object on open/ close.However it may be a problem for user applications that like to use selectinstead of threads.Due to the nature of the network and protocol involved there are a fewextra points to keep in mind:. All operations have an additional latency time. Setting control lines (RTS/CTS) needs more time. Reading the status lines (DSR/DTR etc.) returns a cached value.

    When thatcache is updated depends entirely on the server. The server itself mayimplement a polling at a certain rate and quick changes may be invisible. The network layer also has buffers.

    This means that flush,resetinputbuffer and resetoutputbuffer may work withadditional delay. New in version 2.5.

    Class rfc2217. PortManagerThis class provides helper functions for implementingcompatible servers.Basically, it implements everything needed for the protocol.It just does not open sockets and read/write to serial ports (though itchanges other port settings). The user of this class must take care of thedata transmission itself. The reason for that is, that this way, this classsupports all programming models such as threads and select.Usage examples can be found in the examples where two TCP/IP - serialconverters are shown, one using threads (the single port server) and another using select (the multi port server).

    NoteEach new client connection must create a new instance as thisobject (and the protocol) has internal state. init ( serialport, connection, debugoutput=False ) Parameters:. serialport – a instance that is managed. connection – an object implementing write, used to writeto the network. debugoutput – enables debug messages: ainstance or None.Initializes the Manager and starts negotiating with client in Telnetand protocol. The negotiation starts immediately so thatthe class should be instantiated in the moment the client connects.The serialport can be controlled by commands. Thisobject will modify the port settings (baud rate etc.) and control lines(RTS/DTR) send BREAK etc.

    When the corresponding commands are found bythe method.The connection object must implement a write function.This function must ensure that data is written at once (no user datamixed in, i.e. It must be thread-safe). All data must be sent in itsraw form ( must not be used) as it is used to send Telnetand control commands.For diagnostics of the connection or the implementation, debugoutputcan be set to an instance of a (e.g.logging.getLogger('rfc2217.server')). The caller should configurethe logger using setLevel for the desired detail level of the logs. Escape ( data ) Parameters:data – data to be sent over the network.Returns:data, escaped for Telnet/A generator that escapes all data to be compatible with.Implementors of servers should use this function to process all datasent over the network.The function returns a generator which can be used in for loops.It can be converted to bytes using. Filter ( data ) Parameters:data – data read from the network, including Telnet andcontrols.Returns:data, free from Telnet and controls.A generator that filters and processes all data related to.Implementors of servers should use this function to process all datareceived from the network.The function returns a generator which can be used in for loops.It can be converted to bytes using. Checkmodemlines ( forcenotification=False ) Parameters:forcenotification – Set to false.

    Parameter is for internal use.This function needs to be called periodically (e.g. Every second) whenthe server wants to send NOTIFYMODEMSTATE messages. This is requiredto support the client for reading CTS/DSR/RI/CD status lines.The function reads the status line and issues the notificationsautomatically. ConstantsParity serial. PARITYNONE serial.

    PARITYEVEN serial. PARITYODD serial. PARITYMARK serial. PARITYSPACEStop bits serial.

    STOPBITSONE serial. STOPBITSONEPOINTFIVE serial. STOPBITSTWONote that 1.5 stop bits are not supported on POSIX. It will fall back to 2 stopbits.Byte size serial. FIVEBITS serial. SIXBITS serial. SEVENBITS serial.

    EIGHTBITSOthersDefault control characters (instances of bytes for Python 3.0+) forsoftware flow control: serial. XOFFModule version: serial. VERSIONA string indicating the pySerial version, such as 3.0. Changed in version 3.0: removed, use serial.tools.listports instead serial. Serialforurl ( url,.args,.kwargs ) Parameters:. url – Device name, number or. donotopen – When set to true, the serial port is not opened.Returns:an instance of or a compatible object.Get a native or a implementation of the Serial class, dependingon port/url.

    This factory function is useful when an application wantsto support both, local ports and remote ports. There is also supportfor other types, see section.The port is not opened when a keyword parameter called donotopen isgiven and true, by default it is opened.


    WarningThis implementation is currently in an experimental state. Useat your own risk.This module provides classes to simplify working with threads and protocols. Class serial.threaded. ProtocolProtocol as used by the. This base class provides emptyimplementations of all methods.

    Connectionmade ( transport ) Parameters:transport – instance used to write to serial port.Called when reader thread is started. Datareceived ( data ) Parameters:data ( bytes) – received bytesCalled with snippets received from the serial port. Connectionlost ( exc ) Parameters:exc – Exception if connection was terminated by error else NoneCalled when the serial port is closed or the reader loop terminatedotherwise. Class serial.threaded. Packetizer ( Protocol )Read binary packets from serial port. Packets are expected to be terminatedwith a TERMINATOR byte (null byte by default).The class also keeps track of the transport. TERMINATOR = b'0' init ( ) connectionmade ( transport )Stores transport.

    Connectionlost ( exc )Forgets transport. Datareceived ( data ) Parameters:data ( bytes) – partial received dataBuffer received data and search for TERMINATOR, when found,call. Handlepacket ( packet )Process packets - to be overridden by subclassing. Class serial.threaded. LineReader ( Packetizer )Read and write (Unicode) lines from/to serial port.The encoding is applied. TERMINATOR = b'rn' ENCODING = 'utf-8' UNICODEHANDLING = 'replace' handlepacket ( packet ) handleline ( line ) Parameters:line – Unicode string with one line (excluding line terminator)Process one line - to be overridden by subclassing.

    Writeline ( text ) Parameters:text – Unicode string with one line (excluding line terminator)Write text to the transport. Text is expected to be a Unicodestring and the encoding is applied before sending and also theTERMINATOR (new line) is appended. Class serial.threaded. ReaderThread ( threading.Thread )Implement a serial port read loop and dispatch to a Protocol instance (likethe asyncio.Protocol) but do it with threads.Calls to will close the serial port but it is also possibleto just this thread and continue to use the serial portinstance otherwise. init ( serialinstance, protocolfactory ) Parameters:.

    Serial Communication Ppt

    serialinstance – serial port instance (opened) to be used. protocolfactory – a callable that returns a Protocol instanceInitialize thread.Note that the serialinstance ‘s timeout is set to one second!Other settings are not changed. Stop ( )Stop the reader thread.

    Run ( )The actual reader loop driven by the thread. It calls, reads from the serial port callingand finally callswhen is called or an error occurs. Write ( data ) Parameters:data ( bytes) – data to writeThread safe writing (uses lock). Close ( )Close the serial port and exit reader thread, calls (uses lock). Connect ( )Wait until connection is set up and return the transport and protocolinstances.This class can be used as context manager, in this case it startsthe thread and connects automatically.

    The serial port is closedwhen the context is left. enter ( ) Returns:protocolConnect and return protocol instance.

    exit ( exctype, excval, exctb )Closes serial port.Example. WarningThis implementation is currently in an experimental state. Useat your own risk.Experimental asyncio support is available for Python 3.4 and newer. The moduleprovides a asyncio.Transport:SerialTransport.A factory function ( asyncio.coroutine) is provided: serial.aio. Createserialconnection ( loop, protocolfactory,.args,.kwargs ) Parameters:.

    loop – The event handler. protocolfactory – Factory function for a asyncio.Protocol. args – Passed to the init function. kwargs – Passed to the init functionPlatform:PosixGet a connection making coroutine.Example.

    Class Output ( asyncio. Protocol ): def connectionmade ( self, transport ): self. Transport = transport print ( 'port opened', transport ) transport. Rts = False transport. Write ( b 'hello world n ' ) def datareceived ( self, data ): print ( 'data received', repr ( data )) self.

    Close def connectionlost ( self, exc ): print ( 'port closed' ) asyncio. Geteventloop. Stop loop = asyncio. Geteventloop coro = serial.

    Createserialconnection ( loop, Output, '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate = 115200 ) loop. Rununtilcomplete ( coro ) loop. Runforever loop.

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